FAST (Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk) promotes the use of Smalltalk as an object oriented programming language for industry, research and education. We connect companies, professional developers, researchers and students to be part of an active international community.
FAST annually organizes the Smalltalks conference in Argentina. Attendance is free, hosted by a different public universities (UBA, UNLP, UNQ, UNCOMA, UNSA, UTN, UAI, etc.). The talks and workshops are distributed during a 3-day schedule and take place on a different province each time. We try to promote Smalltalk all across the country.
People in industry and academy gather to share their latest projects, experiences and ideas. Hundreds of attendees take part in more than 30 different talks that cover diverse tracks such as performance, virtual machines, experience reports, original research, and interoperability.
If you're interested in sponsoring the conference take a look at the sponsorship options here and contact us at info@fast.org.ar .