
FAST Workshop 2022 on Smalltalk Related Technologies

This year the accepted papers will be presented online via Zoom on Nov 16, 2022 at 10:00 am GMT-3:

Topic: FAST Workshop 2022 on Smalltalk Related Technologies

Time: Nov 16, 2022 10:00 AM Buenos Aires, Georgetown

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 5815 6323

Passcode: 663656


10:00–10:30 Testing Finalization Mechanisms with Heap Fuzzing

10:30–11:00 Ordering Optimisations in Meta-Compilation of Primitive Methods

— 15' break

11:15–11:45 PowerlangJS: A Quick Way to Get Your Smalltalk to the Web?

11:45–12:15 On Possible Extensions to the Smalltalk Syntax

— 45' break

13:00–13:30 Resurrecting Score11 in Siren: What ever happened to the 1980s score languages?

13:30–14:00 Unicode support in Cuis Smalltalk

– 15' break

14:15–14:45 Arrows: a Computer Algebra System in Smalltalk

14:45–15:15 Live proof-by-induction

Resurrecting Score11 in Siren: What ever happened to the 1980s score languages?

Stephen Travis Pope

Smalltalk as a medium for music representation, algorithmic composition and live interactive performance

Testing Finalization Mechanisms with Heap Fuzzing

Guillermo Polito

Effective debugging of Garbage Collection algorithms by random sampling

Ordering Optimisations in Meta-Compilation of Primitive Methods

Nahuel Palumbo et al.

An analysis of automatic optimization of primitive methods via meta-interpretation

Arrows: a Computer Algebra System in Smalltalk - BEST PAPER AWARD

Luciano Notarfrancesco

A platform for reifying and computing mathematical abstractions in Smalltalk

Unicode support in Cuis Smalltalk

Juan Vuletich

A sound implementation of Unicode support in a Smalltalk dialect with exceptional graphical capabilities

PowerlangJS: A Quick Way to Get Your Smalltalk to the Web?

Javier Pimás

Using the Powerland bootstrapper to run Smalltalk on the Web

Live Proof-by-Induction

Boris Shingarov

Toward formal program verification using type refinement in Smalltalk

On Possible Extensions to the Smalltalk Syntax

Leandro Caniglia & Javier Burroni

How to reveal hidden expressivity capabilities of the Smalltalk syntax

You can download the posters here.

Review the call for papers information here.